It was a day just like any other—except when I woke up I found that my eyesight had radically changed overnight and I couldn’t see beyond my hand. I was very confused by this and my first thought was that I needed a new contact lens prescription.   I went to my ophthalmologist, who adamantly… Read More

Anchor the peace that lives within you regardless of what is happening around you, and experience the divine perfection that comes with being present in the Spirit here and now. – John Morton   I danced for two hours and I felt exhilarated, yet tired, because it was a late night after a day at… Read More

Recently I spent three days in Los Angeles attending my annual Spiritual Conference, at which the focus was on living more often in higher consciousness. In other words, living from my True Nature and not from lower levels of consciousness such as worry, doubt, concern, anger, resentment, acting like a victim, etc …   Keep… Read More

If we’re honest with ourselves, we all numb-out with something. Addictions can be to a substance, pattern or process and in combinations. When you numb-out and take the edge off of vulnerability, pain, uncertainty, fear, disappointment and discomfort – you’re also dulling your joy, fulfillment, creativity and enthusiasm for life. You’re dimming the light and… Read More

If we’re honest with ourselves, we all numb-out with something. Addictions can be to a substance, pattern or process and in combinations. When you numb-out and take the edge off of vulnerability, pain, uncertainty, fear, disappointment and discomfort – you’re also dulling your joy, fulfillment, creativity and enthusiasm for life. You’re dimming the light and… Read More

As I took off my lovely new dress tonight I noticed the tag was on the front of it.  I thought, “This is odd. Tags are usually on the back of garments.”   I hesitated and then laughed out loud when I realized what had happened.  Wait a minute. When I tried the dress on in… Read More

Recently I played the role of a Tour Director on a trip to Hawaii with my parents to celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary. Together, my mom and I planned their celebratory cruise – to all the islands, which ended-up being quite an undertaking and a fun process at that. My role as their guide was… Read More

“So, what is a silent retreat”? He asked me, “A place you go to think?” Although a great question, it’s quite the contrary. It’s a place where my mind slowly becomes free of useless chatter. You know the kind!   Imagine a mind where there are no self-doubts, questions, judgments or criticism. It’s a place… Read More

I had a very clear and laid out plan during my trip to LA a couple months ago. I planned to take a long, luxurious walk at my favorite beach and then meet a friend for lunch. Yes, that was my plan! As I walked in the sand a mile out and a mile back… Read More

Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free our minds! Bob Marley As I looked up, I could see the steely, barbed wire, with all its sharp edges. It could easily tear through my skin, ripping me to shreds. Tears came to my eyes and I shivered as I thought about how that… Read More