Fun in the Sun February 11, 2015 Recently I played the role of a Tour Director on a trip to Hawaii with my parents to celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary. Together, my mom and I planned their celebratory cruise – to all the islands, which ended-up being quite an undertaking and a fun process at that. My role as their guide was… Read More
The Sounds of Silence January 5, 2015 “So, what is a silent retreat”? He asked me, “A place you go to think?” Although a great question, it’s quite the contrary. It’s a place where my mind slowly becomes free of useless chatter. You know the kind! Imagine a mind where there are no self-doubts, questions, judgments or criticism. It’s a place… Read More
Trust that the Universe Has Your Back October 5, 2014 I had a very clear and laid out plan during my trip to LA a couple months ago. I planned to take a long, luxurious walk at my favorite beach and then meet a friend for lunch. Yes, that was my plan! As I walked in the sand a mile out and a mile back… Read More
Fleeing the Inner-Prison October 5, 2014 Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free our minds! Bob Marley As I looked up, I could see the steely, barbed wire, with all its sharp edges. It could easily tear through my skin, ripping me to shreds. Tears came to my eyes and I shivered as I thought about how that… Read More